Sihao Cheng 程思浩

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我是程思浩,现在在普林斯顿高等研究院(IAS)做天体物理博士后研究. 之前我在约翰霍普金斯大学(JHU)获得博士学位并在巴黎高师(ENS)访问一年。我对物理、数学、哲学、古典音乐、剑道、动漫都很感兴趣。




从星云的照片到星系的网状分布,天文学中常常遇到需要对图像/物理场的结构进行统计的描述。,“散射变换”为这类问题提供了一个新方法。这一新统计量借用了卷积神经网络(CNNs)中的运算和概念,但同时拥有传统统计量的优势,无需调试或训练。它对输入图像反复进行“小波卷积+取绝对值”的操作,最后再对变换后的信号“取平均值”作为统计量。我首先将它应用在宇宙学中,分析了由宇宙物质不均匀分布造成的弱引力透镜效应。我发现它包含的宇宙学信息远高于传统统计量(如相关函数)而与卷积神经网络相近([1], [2], [3])。我在文章中还仔细讨论了如何直观理解这一新统计量。我的文章获得了国际天文统计奖。我相信它在天体物理以及其他科学数据的处理中将会有广泛的应用。



去年我主要在研究白矮星。白矮星是宇宙中大多数恒星的最终归宿。我用“盖亚”(Gaia)巡天卫星的数据发现(1)一些白矮星有异常慢的冷却速度;(2)有些大质量白矮星是两颗小白矮星融合的产物(点击下图可以查看文章)。这一工作还被天文博客astrobitesAAS Nova报道.



在高中,我和弟弟程思淼找到了一个用数码相机拍摄流星光谱的方法. 我们设计了一个棱镜装置接在相机镜头前,联系工厂订做了若干件并卖给了其他天文爱好者。下图是我们2010年冬天拍摄的双子座流星的光谱。2021年我们重新优化并做了一批新棱镜,价格在1000元人民币左右。如果您感兴趣请联系我们!



2022-现在, 博士后研究员


2022-现在, 访问研究员


2021-2022, 访问研究员
导师: Prof. Brice Ménard, Prof. Stéphane Mallat


2021-2022, 博士后研究员
2019-2021, 获博士学位
2017-2019, 获硕士学位
导师: Prof. Brice Ménard


2012-2016, 获学士学位
导师: Prof. Eric Peng (彭逸西)



Cheng, S., Schlaufman, K. C., & Caiazzo, I., A giant planet candidate around a massive white dwarfs, submit soon

Cheng, S., et al., Weak lensing scattering transform using HSC Y1 data, submit soon

Cheng, S., Morel, R., Allys, E., Ménard, B. & Mallat, S., Scattering Spectra for Physics, 2024, accepted to PNAS Nexus

Cheng, S. & Ménard, B., How to quantify fields and textures? A guide to the scattering transoform, 2021, arXiv:2112.01288

Cheng, S. & Ménard, B., Weak lensing scattering transform: dark energy and neutrino mass sensitivity, 2021, MNRAS, 507, 1012

Cheng, S., Ting, Y.-S., Ménard, B., & Bruna, J., A new approach to observational cosmology using the scattering transform, 2020, MNRAS, 499, 5902

Cheng, S., Cummings, J. D., Ménard, B., & Toonen, S., Double White Dwarf Merger Products among High-mass White Dwarfs, 2020, ApJ, 891, 160

Cheng, S., Two delays in white dwarf evolution revealed by Gaia, 2019, Proceedings of IAU, 15(S357), 175

Cheng, S., Cummings, J. D., Ménard, B., A Cooling Anomaly of High-mass White Dwarfs, 2019, ApJ, 886, 100

Cheng, S., Cheng, S., Meteor spectral observation with DSLR, normal lens and prism, 2011, JIMO, 39, 39


Bédard, A., Blouin, S., Cheng, S., Buoyant crystals halt the cooling of white dwarf stars, 2024, Nature, (free access link)

Chandra, V., Hwang, H.-C., Zakamska, N. L., Cheng, S., A Gravitational Redshift Measurement of the White Dwarf Mass–Radius Relation, 2020, ApJ, 899, 146

Lu, C. X., Schlaufman, K. C., Cheng, S., An Increase in Small-planet Occurrence with Metallicity for Late-type Dwarf Stars in the Kepler Field and Its Implications for Planet Formation, 2020, AJ, 160, 253


Grandón, D. et al., Impact of baryonic feedback on HSC Y1 weak lensing non-Gaussian statistics, 2023, arxiv2403.03807

Hwang, H.-C., Ting, Y.-S., Cheng, S., Speagle, J, Dynamical masses across the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram, 2024, MNRAS, 528, 4272

Marques, G. A. et al., Cosmology from weak lensing peaks and minima with Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam survey first-year data, 2023, MNRAS, 528, 4513

Ren, L., et al., A Systematic Search for Short-period Close White Dwarf Binary Candidates Based on Gaia EDR3 Catalog and Zwicky Transient Facility Data, 2023, ApJS, 264, 39

Euclid Collaboration, et al., Euclid preparation-XXVIII. Forecasts for ten different higher-order weak lensing statistics, 2023, A&A, 675, A120

Liu, D. Z., et al., Potential scientific synergies in weak lensing studies between the CSST and Euclid space probes, 2023, A&A, 669, A128

Camisassa, M., et al., Forever young white dwarfs: when stellar ageing stops, 2021, A&A Letters, 649, 7

Bauer, E. B., Schwab, J., Bildsten, L., and Cheng, S., Multi-Gigayear White Dwarf Cooling Delays from Clustering-Enhanced Gravitational Sedimentation, 2020, ApJ, 902, 93

Marigo, P., Cummings, J. D., et al., Carbon star formation as seen through the non-monotonic initial–final mass relation, 2020, Nature Astronomy, full text here

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Princeton, NJ08540, USA

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